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Compiled by: Jacques LeBlanc (2022), Stratigraphic Lexicon: The Sedimentary Formations of The Republic of Niger, Africa. Colnes Publishing (Tallin, Estonia), 365 pp. For more information see "About"

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Tin Séririne Formation
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Tin Séririne Fm base reconstruction

Tin Séririne Fm


Age Interval: 
Early-Middle Devonian (Emsian to Eifelian/Givetian) (1)

Iullemmeden Basin - Tim Mersoï Sub-basin

Type Locality and Naming

Named after the Tin Sérine syncline.

References: Lessard, 1961; Claret & Tempère, 1968; Fabre et al., 1983; Derycke & Goujet, 2011.

Synonym: Tin Seririne Fm. For Akara Member: “Akara Schist” ; “Schistes d’Akara” ; “Argiles à Stylioline”; “Grès de Taberia”, “Grès d’Amesgueur”; Upper Member of the Tin Séririne formation ; Akora Schist (misspelling). Oued Felaou Member was also known previously as “Grès de Touaret” as per Joulia (1959)’s definition.

Lithology and Thickness

Thickness ranges from 150 to 270 m. On page 51 of Valsardieu (1971), it is stated a thickness of 105 m in the area of Touaret.

It is divided into two Members from bottom to top:

  • Oued Felaou Mbr: Sandy clays. It begins with a conglomerate level overlaid by fine lumachellic clayey sandstones.
  • Akara Mbr (Stylioline Clays): flaky or platelet clays, very rich in Eopteropods, with rare siltstones at the base, more developed towards the top, until forming at the top a mass of 7 m containing lumachellic events with brachiopods. 32 to 264 m, thinner in the west and south. The limestones with brachiopods can be 50 to 80 m thick.

[Figure 1: Devonian lithostratigraphic column in the Tim Mersoï Sub-Basin showing a Lower Devonian dolerite intrusion of the " Complexe Doléritique d'In Debirene Fm " (Modified after Mammar, 2012) which has been dated to Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) by Djellit et al. (2006)]

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Underlying unit is the Anou Izileg Fm (Fig. 1)

Upper contact

Overlying unit is the Taberia Fm, which erodes the upper part of the Akara Member locally.

Regional extent

Iullemmeden Basin - Tim Mersoï Sub-Basin




Oued Felaou Mbr yielded Acrospirifer arduennensis, Hysterolites carinatus, Paraspirifer cultrijugatus indicating the Upper Emsian. The silty top of Akara Mbr has Mucrospirifer mucronatus, Hysterolites mediotextus, Spinocyrtia ascendens, indicating Eifelian to Givetian age.


Early-Middle Devonian (Emsian to Eifelian/Givetian)

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting


Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jacques LeBlanc (2022), Stratigraphic Lexicon: The Sedimentary Formations of The Republic of Niger, Africa. Colnes Publishing (Tallin, Estonia), 365 pp. https://doi.org/10.47909/978-9916-9760-6-7 (or via https://sites.google.com/site/leblancjacques)